Parents who enroll their children in the charter school will accept the responsibility of implementing their child’s education plan at home with the support of a credentialed advisory teacher.

Parents (Home Educator) must be willing to:
– Confer with the assigned, certificated COIL advisory teacher at preset intervals, understanding the dates agreed to are a priority and must be maintained to ensure quality education.
– The certificated advisory teacher will monitor, re-evaluate, or redirect the assignments for continual optimal growth. 
– Follow each designed educational plan and keep a contemporaneous record using the Activities Log.
– Suggest possible corrections for their student’s work assignments and allow the student time to make corrections prior to the next supervisory meeting. 
– Provide original work samples for student portfolios at each meeting with the Advisory Teacher at COIL.
– Participate in the assessment process at the end of a semester and a formal testing evaluation required by the state.
– Maintain communication with the COIL staff.


– I voluntarily request participation in this independent study program.
– I will complete all the course work outlined in the Master Agreement, and as assigned to me in the periodic Student Assignment and Work Record.

– I agree with the above conditions listed under the Student Agreement/Responsibilities.
– I am responsible for the daily monitoring/verification of all subjects studied, with scheduled monitoring by the Independent Study Teacher.
– If I become aware of special or extenuating circumstances that will prohibit my student from turning in the assigned work by the due date, I will contact the Independent Study Teacher prior to the due-date to make alternative arrangements.